The Default Escape Character, Default Wrap Character and Default Pad Character properties must be unique. 默认转义符、默认换行符和默认填充字符的属性均必须唯一。
Field "{ 0}"-The value of Minimum Length with Pad Character property cannot be less than Minimum Length property of the field. 字段{0}-填充字符的最小长度属性的值不能小于字段的最小长度属性。
Use the number pad to control the moving of the character. 现在,这正是你增加收藏量的最好时机!
This paper analyzes and discusses the function mechanism of sandy pad in such aspects as bearing load, transmitting stress and character of Composite Foundation. 从承受荷载、应力传递和复合地基性状3个方面对褥垫层的作用机理作了详细阐述。
The top metal test pad, special test mode and BIST are adopted in the IC circuits to solve the IC test problem about the chip function test and electric character test. 通过添加测试引脚、设计专用测试模式,内建自测试等方法有效的解决了该芯片电路的功能测试和电气性能测试。